"Email me, call me, meet me. All I require is a little of your time and our first visit is FREE.
Share my passion about food, what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, and why you may be feeling the way you feel.
Did you know that the stomach is the second brain?
Proper nutrition can give you focus, stability, energy, stamina, endurance, strength, intelligence, and wisdom.
Did you know not watching what you eat and living a sedimentary lifestyle can give you anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue/pain, autoimmune disorders, weight gain/loss, digestion pain/stress, PMS, diabetes, mineral supplement imbalances, brain degeneration... It's a very long list because the body works as a whole. You can't drive very long on one flat tire.

Matthew Hubbard
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
My holistic journey began in Mt. Vernon, WA, November 2015, in a quiet brown building tucked away under whispering trees. In the front stood a stone marker that read, "Averio Health Center." Beyond the building lay a hot tub overlooking a lush green pasture. During my stay I was properly introduced to Juicing and prepping well thought out meals. I also received 46 chiropractic adjustments to counteract my Cerebral Palsy. My duration made me understand the impact we have on ourselves by truly eating healthy and living an active lifestyle. I have learned how to adjust one's life in order to help the body's natural healing process. The connection between our brain and our stomach are forever together. By creating a happy gut you help create a happy mind, and together a happy body.